Showing Childline We Care

Half a million children in the UK experience some form of abuse, and as part of our ‘We Care’ day of Values Week together with our sister company...

How AI Driven Networks Are Revitalising Higher Education

Higher Education is facing serious networking challenges. The demand for digital services continues to challenge network and operations teams across...

Supporting Ukraine

Like many people around the world, we have been distressed to see the events taking place in Ukraine and wanted to ensure we were playing our part to...

The Numbers Are In: How Did We Score on the ICS 2022?

As of 2023, we are now on an NPS Score of +87!

Our AI Driven Network: The Future of Healthcare

In an era of healthcare digital transformation, the importance of reliable and predictable data is undeniable. There’s no doubt that the network is...

It Was Full STEM Ahead at GirlTechWM!

We had the privilege of holding a workshop at Ahead Partnership and Millennium Point's recent #GirlTechWM event, the purpose of which was to...