6 common misconceptions of the cloud - Part 1

1. Security is lax

As with any new technology, there are concerns with the cloud when it comes to the security surrounding its application. The cloud...

Top 5 tips to improve employee productivity

It’s undeniable that IT and telephone systems have a vital role to play in boosting employee productivity.

However, Intercity’s research on attitudes...

With great hosting comes great responsibility

With great hosting comes great responsibility!

Happy Birthday to Intercity Technology

Today is a very important day and milestone for us here at Intercity. It’s 30 years since we first opened our Birmingham office! Since then we have...

Apple Music is here

Apple Music is finally here, along with a free three month trial to ensure that everyone gets to experience it. If you’re an iOS user you’ll receive...

Bringing hospitality into the 21st century

How unified communications can improve customer & staff communications in the hospitality industry

Telecommunications has always been a grey area...

What is the consumerisation of enterprise?

Consumerisation of Enterprise is the adoption of technology and services used by individuals in the workplace. These advancements typically find...

Don't Be Afraid to Take your Phone on Holiday!

Traveling abroad can be one of life’s greatest thrills. Be it for work or pleasure, every year millions of people escape the UK for far off...

What the connected business really looks like

How long has it been since you dusted off your Yellow pages to find a phone number? Let me guess, you don’t even know if you have one? The...