Our Thinking | Intercity Technology

MVR is for the record

Written by Intercity | Dec 9, 2022 9:38:27 AM

For the record, MVR can help your business stay compliant.

We’ve all had people backtrack on us, claiming they have no recollection of a claim made in conversation, or a verbally promised deal. We’re only as good as our word, and if that can be so quickly dismissed, what does your business have to fall back on? 


With our Mobile Voice Recording (MVR), you can keep all your business’ calls and texts documented across every device. Even if a SIM is transferred to another device, the sim-based recording ensures there’s no dodging of the user’s responsibility to record their communications. This network-based solution is a superior method to alternative app-based approaches, which cannot ensure such resilient monitoring when devices are switched. They may also demand additional download costs, culminating in inferior compliance that increases the likelihood of your business being fined.

Being able to review past conversations is a fantastic tool for maintaining compliance as it allows your business to meet regulatory requirements, as well as resolve any trading disputes you may have. Where words fail, MVR won’t.


All businesses must meet GDPR requirements, which MVR enables, but some sectors are regulated to a higher degree. The financial industry, for example, will also need to be compliant with MiFID and Dodd-Frank Act. The legal sector must also be on high alert, meeting the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Standards and Regulations. They are required to capture all transactions leading to a trade in order to ensure they are compliant with the aforementioned.

MVR helps these business to mitigate risks and improve their productivity with compliance duties. We offer a 100% recording SLA, so you can rest assured that we’re supporting your business to achieve compliance at every stage. The information captured is always at your fingertips, whether your data is stored in our Cloud or on your business’ site recorder.

Companies in wider industries, such as the public sector, can also use MVR to adapt to a workforce made more independent through homeworking possibilities, as well as prevent employee misconduct by monitoring colleague interactions. It also offers a great channel for training based off of previous successful, or unsuccessful, exchanges so that your teams can learn in a new, more tailored way.

Check out our data sheet on MVR for more insight into how you can Talk With Confidence.

Get in touch with our Sales team at 0808 500 1436 if you'd like to find out more.