Our Thinking | Intercity Technology

What is NDaaS and why do I need it?

Written by Intercity | Nov 11, 2022 9:09:21 AM

Don’t let cyber criminals milk your business.

Cyber security is more than just a ‘nice to have’, it is fundamental to a business’s success in the new normal of remote working and increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks. These days, businesses are being required to show proof they have considered their defences and planned for the worst-case scenario in order to participate in partner supply chains.

But with energy costs on the rise and a recession looming, many organisations will be asking themselves – how can I afford to upgrade my cyber defences?

If you'd like to find out more, we'll be diving into this topic at our 'Securing your Digital Supply Chain without Breaking Budget' on the 30th of November.

One solution is Network as a Service (NDaaS). This is used to monitor and protect devices on your network. Using data from website traffic and machine learning, the software establishes a baseline for what is considered ‘normal’ activity and uses this to identify security breaches and potential threats.


Increased cyber-security requirements are put in place by participants in the supply chain to lower the risk of cyber-attacks. As the Cyber Infrastructure Security Agency states, “3rd party risk is probably the greatest threat any company faces today when dealing with cyber security threats. Instances of sub-tier suppliers or ancillary vendors with poor cyber hygiene who inadvertently allow for the breach of a much larger company are well documented.”

No-one wants to be the weak point in a supply chain and we are seeing more and more businesses consider the disruption that would be caused to their supply chain if one of their critical partners had a cyber security event that prevented them from playing their part in that supply chain. NDaaS can provide that peace of mind to both your own organisation and any partners.


Let’s take a look at NDaaS in action using an example from our partner CyGlass.

For a small dairy farm, cyber-security had become a critical concern for the business. The business leaders were pushing the IT team to find a solution which would allow the farm to close contracts with the larger supply chain companies and increase revenues. But to do this, the dairy farm needed to show their supply chain partners that their IT environment and data was secure with no vulnerabilities that criminals could exploit.

As the dairy farm’s IT team explained, “The larger and more sophisticated the food processing company, distributor, or retailer we can work with, the more revenue we can generate for the dairy farm. At the same time, the cyber-security compliance requirements of each organisation are more strenuous. If we can’t show compliance with their requirements, we will not close these lucrative contracts.”


While the dairy farm had met government-enforced regulations, they needed to prove they were complying with digital ecosystems requirements 365 days a year, 24x7, not just during audits. However, the dairy farm's entire team consisted of only 18 members with no capability to hire new staff, and a resource-constrained budget.

Enter CyGlass. Deploying as a 100% cloud-native platform, with 24×7 monitoring of network, cloud, Microsoft 365, and with automated reporting across all of the environments, CyGlass met 100% of the co-op’s requirements, tailoring the solution to the dairy farm's existing team and budget requirements.