The 'prime' target on Amazon Prime Day

On June 21st, Amazon held their annual two-day promotion where shoppers flock to the site for special deals and discounts. However, shoppers weren’t...

This Week's Top Tech News

Well the football was a bit disappointing wasn’t it? That’s if you’re an England fan of course… In much less disappointing, but much more informative...

The truth about your Microsoft Teams Data

We’ve all been steadily moving to cloud-based systems for some time now, but with the sudden increase in remote working due to the pandemic, the pace...

This Week's Top Tech News

Bored of the rain yet? Yep, us too… But that means you have few excuses not to grab a brew and settle down to your latest 5 minute read – a round up...

Intercity are 'Outstanding' - Best Companies 2*

It’s easy to think products or services are the most important thing your business has to offer – but without its people, most businesses would grind...

This Week's Top Tech News

You’re finally allowed to drink and eat inside, rather than battling with the unpredictable British elements – happy days! In less front page...

FTTP & SoGEA – Next Generation Connectivity

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought forward years of digital transformation and changed the way companies in all regions and sectors conduct business.
