National Cyber Security Strategy 2016 to 2021: progress report

The National Cyber Security Strategy 2016 to 2021 set out the government’s plan to make Britain secure and resilient in cyberspace.

5G Launches in Birmingham

5G is finally here! Intercity's CTO, Matt Johnson takes a look at why Birmingham (home of Intercity's HQ) has been included in the first phase of the...

Smart Cities and Smarter Hackers

As the next industrial revolution takes centre stage, with smart devices appearing in homes and the workplace, should security matter? With the...

Cloud Security Maturity Index - a snapshot

Take a look at our latest infographic, summarising key findings from our recently published Cloud Security Maturity Index, and find out how your...

New Institutes of Technology will ‘widen access to successful careers in the tech industry’

The government has announced the locations of 12 new Institutes of Technology, with a focus on building vocational tech skills. These Institutes aim...

Non-Profit Organisations – Key Ways to Get More out of your IT

From Intercity Technology’s first-hand experience working with non-profit organisations, we have identified key commonalities which exist in their IT...

Digital Transformation in the NHS

In 2018, we joined the nation in celebrating the 70-year anniversary of the National Health Service and the work that we as an organisation has done...

A virtual coffee on cyber attacks with Jayson Dudley from Mazars LLP

Cyber attacks are said to cost the global economy £266 billion, affecting more than 800 million people a year and removing 15% to 20% of the value...