Preventing data disasters, with Matt Johnson (Chief Technology Officer)

A data centre can be the difference between a complete data disaster, and effective data recovery. By entrusting your valuable customer data in one...

Cyber Security: The Biggest Challenges and How to Overcome Them

As an IT manager, does cyber security cause you technological headaches and workplace frustration?

Discovering managed, cloud-based next-generation cybersecurity

Cloud computing is commonplace within the public sector, but have you considered the benefits of using cloud-based security to protect the perimeter...

Whose role is it to tackle cyber security?

I am sure you’ve noticed that the threats to online security are constantly evolving, and have become increasingly sophisticated. At Intercity, we...

It’s Official – We’re WINNERS of the 'Best Use of Technology Award'

Intercity has won the best use of technology award in collaboration with East Lancashire Hospitals Trust for the Telestroke Network.

Delivered in...

Are sensors set to revolutionise social care?

Our resident technology expert Che Smith digs deep as he looks at how the building of a sensory network in his grandad’s home helped the family...

Digitising the NHS – Celebrating 70 years

This year marks the 70-year anniversary of the National Health Service (‘NHS’). That’s seventy years of fixing broken bones, delivering babies, and...

5 Minutes with Andy Smith, Intercity Security Operations Centre Manager (‘ISOC’)

Tell us what your role is, and what team you work on…

As the ISOC manager it’s my team that look after annuity services on a 24 hours per day, 7 days...

Why Should You Settle for Less? 24/7/365 IT Support is a Must in the Digital Age!

When it comes to IT support, there’s a clear choice: stay ahead of issues or scramble to fix them after they’ve disrupted your business. At...