Building a bigger and better Birmingham
Why Intercity is committed to investing in the Midlands Business Engine
Birmingham is a centre for innovation. With a population of over 10 million...
Birmingham is a centre for innovation. With a population of over 10 million...
Paul Jones, from Intercity Technology, helped The Salvation Army to take its retail arm into the future, by showing them how technology is changing...
Firewalls are something we take for granted, but as we've seen from some recent high profile security breaches, even the best firewalls are...
We’re part of a generation that prefers to rent than buy. This behaviour extends past the way we behave as consumers, into our working lives....
Just this week, Parliament’s Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy said ministers had “no real sense of the scale of the problem” when it...
This week Intercity held a Cyber Security event in Birmingham as part of Intercity's drive to promote awareness with our customers and encourage them...
I have worked at Intercity...