Bringing hospitality into the 21st century

How unified communications can improve customer & staff communications in the hospitality industry

Telecommunications has always been a grey area...

What is the consumerisation of enterprise?

Consumerisation of Enterprise is the adoption of technology and services used by individuals in the workplace. These advancements typically find...

Don't Be Afraid to Take your Phone on Holiday!

Traveling abroad can be one of life’s greatest thrills. Be it for work or pleasure, every year millions of people escape the UK for far off...

What the connected business really looks like

How long has it been since you dusted off your Yellow pages to find a phone number? Let me guess, you don’t even know if you have one? The...

Don't let the clouds obscure your view

Choosing a cloud service which protects your data

Cloud storage has become an integral part of our modern, mobile lives with a number of services...

Find your perfect partner in unified communications

Recent research has reported that the UK legal market is worth £28 billion a year, accounting for 7% of the global industry, and includes almost...

There is more to communication technology than the device in your hand

Developing an enterprise mobility strategy

IT users are becoming increasingly tech savvy and as a result have high expectations of the technology...

An eventful May for the Manchester team

May was a busy month for our Manchester team, holding two successful Intercity Telecom events at the historic Manchester Central venue for IP Expo...

Mobile working 2.0: A new wave of mobile working practices

The benefits of mobile technology in the traditional workplace have become widely recognised, as more businesses are increasingly required to work on...