Orbit 6.7 is here!

Our product team have been busy over the last few months working on a variety of fantastic features to add to our ever evolving unified...

Microsoft Future Decoded Highlights

It was interesting to see the Back to the Future DeLorean in the lobby as you entered the Microsoft Future Decoded event in London on Monday, which...

What Happens When the Wire Lets you Down?

Using 4G to keep your business going, even if your ISDN or DSL connections fail

Mobile hotspots, such as using 3G and 4G networks, are some of the...

How can you take back control of your enterprise mobile strategy?

The rise of smartphone and tablet technology has rapidly pushed enterprise mobility onto the agenda, with consumer IT brands driving demand.

When in Roam

A guide to reducing data roaming costs when travelling

Have you been burnt by high data bills when travelling? You’re not alone.

Communications checklist for moving office

Top 5 tips how to make your transition as smooth as possible

As your business expands there will come a time you must face that necessary evil....

BYOD, CYOD, can you COPE?

Making Sense of Mobile Device Deployment Trends

With the rise of smart devices such as phones and tablets entering the workplace and connecting to...

What risks do you face changing away from BlackBerry?

Many of the global businesses I am talking to within the City are still holding onto their BlackBerry Java handset solutions thinking about where to...