What is Zero Trust Security? And why should you care?

Outdated assumptions that anything within the security perimeter can be trusted has made organisations more exposed to cyber-attacks. This has...

The truth about your Microsoft Teams Data

We’ve all been steadily moving to cloud-based systems for some time now, but with the sudden increase in remote working due to the pandemic, the pace...

4 Qualities to Look for in Your IT as a Service Provider

The way we procure IT support has changed. Thanks to the rise of the cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS), businesses are moving away from the...

Dark Clouds Ahead: 5 Reasons You Can’t Ignore Cloud Security in 2021

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when prolonged periods of remote working became a reality, employers had concerns. Could they maintain...

How to Beat the 4 Biggest Cloud Migration Challenges

Today’s business landscape is changing fast. Remote working has become the new norm for a lot of organisations. And while there are plenty of upsides...