What is the Role of an Infrastructure Management Service (IMS)?

IT infrastructure management service (IMS) is about administering and managing technology, information and data in a proactive way. Its scope ranges...

The Top 5 Challenges Faced by UK Businesses

If like many UK businesses, you’re an SME running on stretched resources and time, chances are you’re more focused on making a profit than you are on...

What is IT as a Service (ITaas) and why does it matter?

We’re part of a generation that prefers to rent than buy. This behaviour extends past the way we behave as consumers, into our working lives....

What Are the Benefits of a Managed Service Provider?

In the past year, the pace of change in the IT sector has challenged many businesses to rethink their IT departments. 

Advancements in technology,...

How to Choose a Managed Services Provider

A managed services provider (MSP) can help take your business to the next level. But it's not a decision that should be taken lightly. A managed...

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

When you’re responsible for minimising the downtime of your business-critical services, you need to consider whether your in-house resources are up...