This Week's Top Tech News

Well, looks like we’ve had our summer doesn’t it? While that may be a little disappointing, we can assure you this week’s edition of tech news...

What is Zero Trust Security? And why should you care?

Outdated assumptions that anything within the security perimeter can be trusted has made organisations more exposed to cyber-attacks. This has...

This Week's Top Tech News

Sore head after the weekend? Yep, us too. The football may have overshadowed some big tech news – so that’s why we’re here, to keep you up to date!...

This Week's Top Tech News

With the grey skies returning and England due to face Germany in a major tournament, things feel all a bit déjà vu don’t they? The same can be said...

This Week's Top Tech News

Well the football was a bit disappointing wasn’t it? That’s if you’re an England fan of course… In much less disappointing, but much more informative...

This Week's Top Tech News

Bored of the rain yet? Yep, us too… But that means you have few excuses not to grab a brew and settle down to your latest 5 minute read – a round up...